Recluse reflections: A new place for recluse/lymphoma reflections
Notes on spaces seen through windows

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
A new place for recluse/lymphoma reflections

Blogs are odd things, I've discovered. I never quite found the "voice" for this one. Frankly, I didn't have enough reflections to fill a blog, so it's mostly gone fallow since I started.

I recently had cause to reflect more frequently and, perhaps, more deeply. (Although I'm not exactly sure of that last part.) I was diagnosed with non-Hodkins lymphoma, a cancer. Once I'd finally gotten over the initial shock, etc., I thought I might record something about the experiences and emotions of all that on a blog -- mostly for family members and maybe a few friends, since I can't imagine that most of it would be of much interest to anyone else.

I thought about putting it here, but finally decided to start fresh for those particular and personal reflections on lymphoma. Unlike this one, that blog has started off on a tear, with no lack of things to blog about. But, then again, it's just personal stuff. I'm no expert. I can't offer medical advice

But just in case someone else might be interested, there it is. (And in case someone googles my name and comes here looking for that instead.)

posted by WebWrangler | 7:27 PM | Link | 0 comments
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